home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- locked files, for example)…not
- referral line, at
- Labels column anymore. Looks
- • Unplug your SCSI chain.
- these silly secrets and get
- PostScript versions of the
- drag it to remove it! Command-
- and they seem to work fine--
- during printing. Good to know
- menu. Click “Open & Save.”
- suitcase can contain tons of
- Now that's what we call a
- Find File, Desktop Patterns,
- again, it may just be the
- you’ll get a major
- across any portion, then
- Extensions, Control Panels,
- Prefs file may be corrupted.
- screen in color, but your Apple
- This Label Secret is our only
- it from the Apple menu and
- have to be on — UNLESS
- key! (Teach the Esc
- panel, and turn off
- Just hold down the
- But if you Option-click it,
- the program’s operations
- on (most models) — by pressing
- one is the only one to use
- install a font or a DA directly
- (Fooled you,
- mastered your Macintosh
- All other models use a trickle
- point to the QuickTime
- messages, press Command-
- printing bitmapped artwork
- typed in all 365 tips, one
- Turn them off before you
- copy and paste them into your
- the apostrophe, and finally
- be shown all the keyboard
- dots somewhat, making it easier
- invisible folders.
- control panels to save
- of a new document, you’ll be
- rapidly increase or decrease
- (previous versions). You can
- pressing Command.
- leader. He’s the one who
- THEN you can use search/replace
- carte”), type an Option-space
- throw away the file called
- with “Mac Secrets,” to find out
- at a certain time…you’re in.
- Paste it into the new document.
- the page numbers so they begin
- game. Press Tab to return
- port when not in use, to
- available windows, so you
- into every field. Then click
- Zoom way in; drag the tiny line
- to expand the box to its
- of the slash key, for
- create a PICT file on
- An Fkey is a key-activated
- a pause in the conversation—
- the program you were just in.
- a box. Release the mouse; that
- you’ll save several
- (Otherwise, you always select
- makes all other phones in the
- screen, and base your design
- can’t use a PostScript laser
- TechTool, included with
- Tabs, not spaces, to make
- your document with Fast Save
- where you can easily turn it
- turn it off! (Use the
- later (it’s available online fo
- • Virtual memory
- drive, and copy the files
- could buy a fancy Power Mac
- panel; the Map; the Puzzle;
- Chapter 8 of “Macworld
- insert the cartridge till the
- Double-click it to interrupt
- is tied up. Just click the
- and paste! To remove the new
- For example, you can type N
- icon ONTO the “Find Where”
- graphic, or pasting some Simple
- turned on, you can have 128
- remove the ring. Remove lint.
- At least you didn’t buy
- first, the Mac never asks
- Erase Disk from the
- Shift-Tab to jump back.
- Disinfectant (Apple menu) and
- QuicKeys logo, and wait.
- menu. You’ll see the names of
- for the complete technophobe.
- the new Credits icon. Click it
- the Mac asks for! (The initials
- Books. Call 800-762-2974 to
- from the Edit menu. That’s what
- Type PLAY. Hey — it’s a
- described in “Mac Secrets,”
- and hold down Command-Option-
- (You only have to type the
- Do this repeatedly to find the
- Option-hyphen and then choosing
- by pressing Command-period
- the internal drive and start
- Fast Saves; Screen Test; and
- A folder? The Trash? A
- the mouse just a hair! Then it
- control panel in only
- 680x0 code, leaving you with
- (Apple) would never go into the
- they’ll send someone over to
- System 7.5 & later: give it as
- Views control panel.)
- works the same way — make
- city where you’ll be, and click
- window. Then click the button.
- back into the word processor,
- the tiles, then paste it back
- eight pages of the Note Pad
- modem port — no MIDI or
- pictures, or (if you copied
- and (unless you’re networked)
- and the Sound control
- on top of the System folder
- program included with
- (Use the Monitors control panel
- document there, too, if
- renamed “Macworld Secrets for
- 800-631-8571 to order a
- application in which you’re
- just double-click this alias
- using 7.0 or 7.0.1, you’ll also
- Mac while pressing the Command,
- Just press Option as you use
- uncheck the “Warn before
- way, you automatically close
- TechTool, included with
- onto the desktop. Then you can
- folder. And press Command-W to
- bringing it forward by
- white. Apply that label to
- one-digit file names. So the
- Shift key!) The icon won’t
- folder! (To start up normally,
- can paint the
- highlighted folder as well as
- Command-Left Arrow to collapse
- the window that contained it.
- and you’ll instantly be back
- and close the current
- open the file on the bad disk,
- they were taken.
- Mac is starting up. All
- any one window’s close box
- program’s name from the Appli-
- of the nested folders you’ve
- grid permanently, the Command
- desktop icons will line up on
- used. You can clean up icons by
- command will return you to a
- use Command-E, which leaves the
- names. Keep the button down:
- click the alias. You’ll be
- second one is handy for quick
- paragraph in the same style,
- Put all the aliases into a fold
- folder on your desktop so you
- symbol by pressing Option-5.)
- graphics program. Put it in the
- Edit menu. Now you can simply
- Option-drag to copy, or
- Items folder. Keep it on your
- unpredictable ways if left on.
- It does taste kind of funny —
- You’ll see the names of the
- (This only works if your Mac
- row numbers.
- to a minimum, and squelches
- in front of their names, until
- It works just as well!
- Startup items folder (in the
- press Option. Drag the little
- icons so they only touch at the
- except the colon (:). That
- menus have just appeared, then
- restart, press Shift until it’s
- To restore the sound, type
- it answer on the second ring,
- online names) with your
- between them. If it’s set
- when the disk’s icon doesn’t
- will launch the appropriate
- it sometime; it could help
- See instructions in “Mac Secret
- original file, you’ll be taken
- in any word processor or page
- click the WORD Size, Kind,
- away, and spray a very light
- command list jumps to show you
- original file. The resulting
- Scrapbook, before going to
- Scrapbook, for example, has a
- and Shift-Option magnifies it
- knows, in alphabetical
- print, choose Resume Printing
- be much faster (but now you
- this, switch to the Courier
- hide. Press Tab, then press
- move up (or down) by one
- arrow) to view the contents of
- Desktop level. It’s the same
- to make the window resize
- Now drag them both together;
- cursor on any bar in the graph
- files from the backup. The
- with " (the same thing). Your
- see the name of the other
- short, turn it off! (The
- your programs, turn off File
- where Apple programmers
- any open window!
- Now when you start up the Mac,
- into your System folder in
- (3) Enjoy the moonlit
- Command-W to close windows, and
- back window. The front program
- its size, type, or any search
- Catcher III Demo included with
- You can easily delete it
- will empty...
- guarantee! IDG Books.
- Command-R is the same as
- away 50 free books for the
- empty out the Caches folder.
- for dirty pictures.”
- program included with “Mac
- or someplace; type into
- wrist-rest WHILE typing —
- extensions, etc., YOU added…
- and the Send button in
- e-mails with a standard reply
- the new location. The selected
- Folder” (or “Applications
- onto the INFO STRIP at the
- Look in your AOL Edit
- press Return twice. What’s
- a new cartridge, and you
- to the AOL application (using
- broken suitcase; then put
- click Alignment, and click Wrap
- blackness after you press the
- the C key to force the Mac to
- mouse button down. The
- if not, the operating system
- (included with Mac Secrets)
- into their own open folder. In
- Drag the mystery icon onto the
- Answer: whichever program
- press Shift as you choose Find
- highlighted text to make a
- Label Secrets Pro’s
- comes with “Mac Secrets”)
- have chance to make a good
- driver works well with the
- “common,” Word suggests
- Especially when Pittsburgh
- screen shows the prediction in
- (any Kodak dealer). Cheap,
- any program you haven’t used
- and type a zero into the
- and put the actual folder
- active at once — the one most
- Print Window from the
- The secret: click the second
- for (from Continuum Software).
- and will be alphabetized,
- ftp.info.apple.com
- turn the numbers back into
- the file libraries for keyword:
- you the NAMES of those icons!
- replacement.
- 2nd resort: Control-command-
- windows really say, “0” K…
- 1MB more than your real RAM).
- Unsharp Mask filter, to
- download the shareware
- work weekends!
- stationery notes to produce